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Garlic Salve

Garlic Salve

Regular price $6.99 USD
Regular price $8.99 USD Sale price $6.99 USD
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Made with fresh organic garlic, gently-infused in organic olive oil. Includes therapeutic grade Rosemary essential oil for added medicinal strength and vitamin E.

The Garlic eScape Farm Garlic Salve is an excellent way to deliver garlic’s antimicrobial compounds through the blood stream bypassing the digestive system.

The Garlic eScape Garlic Salve is recommended as a therapeutic support of the immune system under active inflammation, viral, bacterial, and mycotic infections. Highly recommended for upper respiratory infections, croup coughs, deep coughs, coughs accompanied with phlegm/mucus, and dry coughs. It is also very helpful for digestive system bacterial infections and inflammation of the intestinal tract.

This method of delivery is very efficient and can be safely used on toddlers, adults and the elderly.


*Garlic, *Olive oil, *Rosemary essential oil, *Bees Wax, Vitamin E. *Sourced organically

Care Instructions

Rub a dime size amount to the soles of feet and put on a pair of socks. Can be left on overnight.

Garlic's active compounds will be absorbed readily through the skin. Safe to use for the entire family.

Re-apply 2-3 times per day.

Keep using the garlic salve for a couple of days after symptoms are no longer present for a comprehensive support of the immune system.

Shelf stable, keep away from direct sunlight and high heat.

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